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** TIER #2 Includes Advertising


YOUR SFBDG PROSPERITY PLATFORM offers OPPORTUNITIES for EVERYONE...EVERY DAY at the website as well as a companion App for your Apple or Android phone.

The SFBDG PROSPERITY PLATFORM is designed for people,  just like you, wanting to be more successful and connected.


Through a mix of over 50 diverse services and products, news, plus its Lifelong Learning  Center, it helps you achieve your business and personal goals. 


It is designed for C-Suite or corporate executives, entrepreneurs, professionals, investors, consultants, pioneers, and everyone else who wants to just do better and compete effectively.

"Your SFBDG Prosperity Platform" is now in PRE-LAUNCH stage. 





WHAT ARE THE BASICS for all business people

Plus SFBDG AGENDA app for Android or Apple

Before joining the SFBDG Platform, think about what you want to get out of it; and how you plan to participate.  We realize that it is a very content and function rich service. We will be happy to help you create a plan for participating in "Your SFBDG Prosperity Platform" so that you get a return on investment of time and capital resources.

SFBDG is an Integrated Membership Platform

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"YOUR SFBDG PROSPERITY PLATFORM" is content rich, and offers high quality functionalality for SFBDG Members.  The serviice integrates with technology providers that bring state of the art services to SFBDG Members.  These services are contracted and payment is made by SFBDG.  In these cases, you are able to receive direct support from the vendor.  From time to time, an SFBDG Member may be asked to upgrade a service by one of these independent service providers, This is your individual choice to be paid directly by you to that technology provider.    You are under no oblication to accept the proposal. Rejecting it will not affect the basic services we provide. 

There are TWO Types of Tranactions

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There are two type of transactions

Monthly SFBDG Membership
- Stripe only permits one, therefore some Products and Service are bundled to include Membership
Single purchase

Select Membership, Product & Service, or Courses

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Preparation Before Starting the Signup Form

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Prepare for the Signup Form

Only basic info is required*

The Signup FORM is very extensive to make the service work for you as best as possible. 

Only 8 fields are Required*
  •  Firs and last name
  • Email
  • Cell Phone
  • Password
  • City
  • State
  • ZIP Cod
  • Country
Other Fields help you to create a profile, participate, and be found.  Think of it as NETWORKING.  Make yourself an attractive MAGNET OF OPPORTUNITY. 

Some Questions. like the fields about "OPPORTUNITY SHOWCASE" actually create uniqure exposure as part of a searchable database of Opportunities from SFBDG Members. No Informaation is ever sold.

These other fields also help with your Google Search credentials. 

You can return to edit.

Have your Bio ready to cut and paste.

Links to your Social Media Profiles like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Truth, and GAB will help you.

Review a Few Pages on the 3Bar Menu

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Review a few pages on the 3 Bar Menu.  Top Right

Before joining the SFBDG Platform, think about what you want to get out of it; and how you plan to participate.

Things You Should Know

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  • Your Info goes to SFBDG Membership. There are also Vendors
  • SFBDG is an Integrated  Membership Platform
  • WE PAY VENDORS TO MANAGE SERVICES based on your membership with us.
  • CommunityBox
  • Circle
  • WIX
  • ZOOM
  • Credit card processed by Stripe
  • Some third party services may make offers to upsell you. This is your choice.

Special Relationship Accounts

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Special Relationship Accounts

Advertising and Sponsorship

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Advertising and Sponsorship


Corporate Accounts

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Corporate Accounts

How to create a multi-user license membership.

What is a multi-user license membership?

Say you corporation that wants it's employees to have access to your Corporate membership. You don't want SFBDG to charge each employee directly; instead, you want SFBDG to charge  your  corporation a multi-user license fee for up to X employees to utilize your Corporate membership.

SFBDG makes available custom Corporate memberships by special arrangement.  

  • Corporate Training
  • Corporate Groups and Messaging
  • CRM service
  • Effective technology for communication within your market and ability to share information and document. 
  • Payments are made by Corporate invoice to cover SEATS and ADVERTISING.

SFBDG makes available alternative Corporate 

First, you'll need to decide what type of Corporate account you want.

Pay SFBDG $$$$$$/year and all of you corporation's employees get access — no limits.

Do you want to offer multiple tiers.  Pay SFBDG $$$$$$/year for up to 100 employee seats,  $$$$$/year for up to 300 employee seats, etc

After you decide what suits your needs and budget, it's time to create a plan and an Agreement.

Professional Alliance Network Accounts

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Professional Alliance Network

The Professional Alliance Network is an Inner Circle of trusted colleagues with high quality relationships. The agencies that are part of the Network have earned recognition and respect from the people they have done business with over their careers.

What is Professional Alliance Inner Circle Network

A network of senior, experienced and knowledgeable

Professionals, Expert Consultants, and Agencies with proven track records of VIP level contacts with HNWI and High Development Companies.

● Agencies linked by common Agreement.

● Defined Fee Agreement.

● Agreement protecting Agency's clients and contacts from solicitation.

● Agreement protecting Contact Circumvention.

● Authorized use of SFBDG proprietary technology.

● Access to SFBDG tools.

● Access to qualified contacts for purpose of selective Introductions and Referrals.

● Strict adherence to legal restrictions by non licensed agencies to ensure compliance.

● Non exclusive Agreement.

● No membership or setup fees.

There is no FEE to join the Professional Alliance Network.

Income is shared between Professionals who have Contracts with Clients and those who make INTRODUCTIONS.

Everyone in the Network operates under terms of Agreement.



The form is very simple and only requests basic information. If there are QUESTIONS in the form where info is not available, please enter "NA".

Most important is to describe your business interests in general terms in the Question "Profile and Credentials". This will be used in the Agreement as well as Email introductions.

LINK to a Form to Submit your Profile and Credentials to request Agreement template for the Professional Alliance Network:

The purpose of this form is you to help us understand what NEEDS you have or OPPORTUNITIES you want us to help you to pursue.  Once submitted, we will contact you to discuss options. 

This form will also help you to inquire about curriculum for SFBDG LIFELONG LEARNING CENTER. You will receive answers about your inquiry or instructions on next steps to participate.

Chamber of Commerce Accounts

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SFBDG Offers special proprietarty content and services for Chambers of Commerce

SFBDG has Modules that are intended to be offered by a Chamber of Commerce as a public sevice and to boost membership.  For example:

Workshops and Resources to support the important Hispanic business community
  • Teeenage Chamber of Commerce
Workshops and Education materials designed to prepare Teenagers for their future.
Teenagers participating will be sponsored with scholarship grants producing income for participating Chambers.


"YOUR SFBDG PROSPERITY PLATFORM" is designed to keep people engaged, motivated, and consistently moving toward their goals in a convenient way...with access to things you can not get anywhere else ... including from a companion cell phone APP for Apple and Android...including tools, services, products, courses, news, and people that delivers OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE...EVERY DAY.  This is exactly what many need.  It's missing in all other social media. 

Because of the diverse services, we will help develop a plan for you to derive the best benefit from your membership at whatever your budget level.


First 1,000 Pre-Launch Signup

TIER 1 - $4.99 / month

TIER 2* - $9.99 / month

* TIER 2 includes advertising and promotion opportunities

PO Box 307

New York, New York 10021


Newsletter Subscription

Contact Us

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