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Marketing Strategy and Advisor

Expert Guidance.Experience across US states, Canada, UK and other countries.

Marketing Strategy and Advisor
Please submit your interest in participation in INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT GROUP
Expert Guidance.Experience across US states, Canada, UK and other countries.

Do you have a project or idea that you’d love to bring to life? Since founding International Business Development Group in 1984, we've provided our clients with a wide range of services to help bring vision to reality.Importantly, we also help to prevent mistakes by applying principles of due diligence to test marketing ideas, and take facts one at a time.Please submit your interest in participation in INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT GROUP


"YOUR SFBDG PROSPERITY PLATFORM" is designed to keep people engaged, motivated, and consistently moving toward their goals in a convenient way...with access to things you can not get anywhere else ... including from a companion cell phone APP for Apple and Android...including tools, services, products, courses, news, and people that delivers OPPORTUNITIES FOR EVERYONE...EVERY DAY.  This is exactly what many need.  It's missing in all other social media. 

Because of the diverse services, we will help develop a plan for you to derive the best benefit from your membership at whatever your budget level.


First 1,000 Pre-Launch Signup

TIER 1 - $4.99 / month

TIER 2* - $9.99 / month

* TIER 2 includes advertising and promotion opportunities

PO Box 307

New York, New York 10021


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